Aker Horizons aims to ensure that the maximum possible value is created for its shareholders over time. Good corporate governance shall ensure an appropriate distribution of roles between the owners, the board of directors and the management.
It shall also contribute to managing and mitigating risk as well as ensuring sustainable value creation.
Chair (non-independent)
Chair (non-independent)
Kristian Røkke (born 1983) served as Chief Executive Officer of Aker Horizons from its establishment in July 2020 until October 2024. Prior to joining Aker Horizons, he was Chief Investment Officer at Aker ASA and previously held CEO roles at Akastor ASA and Philly Shipyard ASA. He also spent several years in various operational roles, including as Senior Vice President of Operations at Philly Shipyard ASA.
Røkke currently chairs the boards of Mainstream Renewable Power, Aker Carbon Capture ASA, and Philly Shipyard ASA. He is also a director on the boards of TRG Holding AS, the main shareholder of Aker ASA, and HMH Holding B.V., a leading provider of drilling solutions.
He holds an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. As of 31 December 2023, Røkke holds no shares in Aker Horizons, and has no stock options. He is a Norwegian citizen.
Deputy Chair (non-independent)
Deputy Chair (non-independent)
Øyvind Eriksen (born 1964) is President and CEO of Aker ASA and holds a law degree from the University of Oslo.
Eriksen has held several board positions in different industries, including shipping, finance, asset management, offshore drilling, fisheries, media, trade, and industry.
Eriksen currently chairs several of the boards of the Aker group’s industrial and financial businesses. In addition, Eriksen serves on the boards of a number of non-profit organizations, including the Norwegian Cancer Society, Accenture Global Energy Board, and the World Economic Forum C4IR Global Network Advisory Board.
As of 31 December 2024, Eriksen holds 285,714 shares in Aker Horizons (excluding indirect ownership through his indirect holding of 219,072 shares in Aker ASA, the parent company of Aker Capital, and 100,000 B-shares in TRG Holding AS), and has no stock options. Eriksen is a Norwegian citizen. He has been elected for the period 2024-2026.
Director (non-independent)
Director (non-independent)
Mathisen (born 1972) is CEO of HUB Ocean. She has more than 25 years of experience working in industries, including Technology, Branded Consumer Goods, and Pharmaceuticals. Her roles have included General Manager of Microsoft Norway, CEO of Orkla Home & Personal Care, Global Vice President & Alliance Leader of Eli Lilly and General Manager, Germany and Norway of Eli Lilly. Mathisen has extensive board experience, currently serving on the boards of Bayer, Aker BioMarine, and Aize. Previous board roles include Yara, Abelia, NHST, Meda AB, and Borregaard. Mathisen is a Friend of Ocean Action curated by the World Economic Forum and serves on the Board of the US-Norway Fulbright Foundation.
Mathisen has a BS in Engineering from the University of Illinois, and an MBA from Harvard Business School.
As 31 December 2023, Mathisen holds no shares in Aker Horizons , and has no stock options. She is an American and Norwegian citizen. She is elected for the period 2024-2026.
Director (independent)
Director (independent)
Lone Fønss Schrøder is a senior executive and advisor. Fønss Schrøder is currently vice-chair of Akastor ASA and Volvo Cars AB and chair of its audit committees, and a director of Aker Solutions ASA, Geely Sweden Holdings AB and Ingka Holding B.V. and Chair of Ikano Bank AB (Ikea Group). She is a global advisor for Service Now.
Fønss Schrøder has more than 30 years of international senior executive experience in the A.P. Møller-Maersk group and as CEO for Wallenius Lines AB, Star Air and Concordium. She is an experienced director with former board positions in companies like Vattenfall, Dong Transmission, CSL Group, Inc. and Yara.
Fønss Schrøder holds a Master of Law (LL.M.) from the University of Copenhagen, and in Economics and Business Administration from Copenhagen Business School.
As of 31 December 2023, Fønss Schrøder holds no shares in Aker Horizons, and has no stock options. She is a Danish citizen. She has been elected for the period 2023-2025.
Director (independent)
Director (independent)
Brandsrud (born 1958) serves as a non-executive director and industry advisor. From 2016 to 2019, he held several CEO and CFO roles in the European financial services companies Lindorff, Intrum and Lowell, and from 2010 to 2015, he served as the Group CFO of Aker. In the period from 2007 to 2010, he was the CFO of the Seadrill Group. Prior to these roles, Brandsrud had 23 years of experience from leading finance positions in Shell. Brandsrud is a non-executive director and board member of TGS, Aker BP, the Lowell Group (Simon Midco Ltd) and Waterise.
Brandsrud holds a Master of Science degree from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH).
As of 31 December 2023, Brandsrud holds no shares in Aker Horizons, and has no stock options. He is a Norwegian citizen. He is elected for the period 2024-2026.
Read our Corporate Governance Report
Aker Horizons ASA’s nomination committee has a minimum of two members elected at the annual general meeting. The nomination committee’s work is carried out in accordance with instructions adopted by the general meeting.
The current members of the nomination committee are Svein Oskar Stoknes (chairperson) and Ingebret G. Hisdal (member) and are elected until the company’s annual general meeting in 2024
Proposals for new candidates to the board of directors or the nomination committee as well as general questions concerning the work of the nomination committee should be submitted through the company’s investor relations (IR) function.
Download: Instructions for the nomination committee of Aker Horizons ASA
Aker Horizons aims to serve the financial market with relevant, comprehensive and timely information about the company, to form a good basis for financial market participants in making decisions related to valuation and trade of the Aker Horizons share.
Aker Horizons seeks to engage in an open and continuous dialogue with the financial market. The company’s investor relations policy covers guidelines for the company’s contact with shareholders and the financial community.
Aker Horizons shall ensure equal treatment of financial market participants and equal opportunities to access relevant information. The main communication channels are stock exchange releases, press releases and the company’s website.
Aker Horizons publishes financial results on a quarterly basis according to its financial calendar which is published annually on the company’s website and to the Oslo Stock Exchange.
Members of the executive management participate actively in dialogue with the financial market, while daily communication is handled by Investor Relations. The dialogue with the market takes form primarily through annual reports, quarterly reports, meetings with investors and analysts, and participation in important financial industry conferences, as well as use of the company’s website.
All information will be provided in English.
Aker Horizons shall observe a silent period two weeks prior to the publishing of quarterly financial results. Aker Horizons does not attend any investor- or analyst meetings, or financial conferences during these periods.
Aker Horizons shall comply with applicable legislation and rules for companies listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and the Oslo Børs Code of Practice for IR of March 1, 2021.