Aker Horizons combines industrial edge and financial expertise with a planet positive purpose to create values and attractive financial returns

Corporate governance

Aker Horizons aims to ensure that the maximum possible value is created for its shareholders over time. Good corporate governance shall ensure an appropriate distribution of roles between the owners, the board of directors and the management.

It shall also contribute to managing and mitigating risk as well as ensuring sustainable value creation.

Board Of Directors

Øyvind Eriksen

Deputy Chair (non-independent)

Kimberly Mathisen

Director (non-independent)

Lone Fønss Schrøder

Director (independent)

Trond Brandsrud

Director (independent)

Corporate Governance Report

Nomination committee

Aker Horizons ASA’s nomination committee has a minimum of two members elected at the annual general meeting. The nomination committee’s work is carried out in accordance with instructions adopted by the general meeting.

  • The nomination committee presents recommendations on the following matters at the general meeting:
    Election of new candidates for the board of directors
  • Remuneration of the board of directors including the audit committee
  • Election of new candidates for the nomination committee and remuneration to the members of the committee

The current members of the nomination committee are Svein Oskar Stoknes (chairperson) and Ingebret G. Hisdal (member) and are elected until the company’s annual general meeting in 2024

Proposals for new candidates to the board of directors or the nomination committee as well as general questions concerning the work of the nomination committee should be submitted through the company’s investor relations (IR) function.

Download: Instructions for the nomination committee of Aker Horizons ASA

Investor Relations Policy

Aker Horizons aims to serve the financial market with relevant, comprehensive and timely information about the company, to form a good basis for financial market participants in making decisions related to valuation and trade of the Aker Horizons share.


Aker Horizons seeks to engage in an open and continuous dialogue with the financial market. The company’s investor relations policy covers guidelines for the company’s contact with shareholders and the financial community.

Information and Communication

Aker Horizons shall ensure equal treatment of financial market participants and equal opportunities to access relevant information. The main communication channels are stock exchange releases, press releases and the company’s website.

Aker Horizons publishes financial results on a quarterly basis according to its financial calendar which is published annually on the company’s website and to the Oslo Stock Exchange.

Members of the executive management participate actively in dialogue with the financial market, while daily communication is handled by Investor Relations. The dialogue with the market takes form primarily through annual reports, quarterly reports, meetings with investors and analysts, and participation in important financial industry conferences, as well as use of the company’s website.

All information will be provided in English.

Silent Period

Aker Horizons shall observe a silent period two weeks prior to the publishing of quarterly financial results. Aker Horizons does not attend any investor- or analyst meetings, or financial conferences during these periods.


Aker Horizons shall comply with applicable legislation and rules for companies listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and the Oslo Børs Code of Practice for IR of March 1, 2021.